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Facial Nerve Gallery
Fascia lata static suspension, lower lid tightening and placement of a platinum eyelid weight for flaccid facial paralysis following extirpation of a parotid tumor
Right facial nerve exploration and repair, 5-7 nerve transfer for flaccid facial paralysis due to penetrating facial injury
DAO resection for left facial synkinesis due to Bell's palsy
Selective denervation, DAO resection, and Botox for left facial synkinesis due to Ramsay syndrome
DAO resection for left facial synkinesis due to Bell's palsy
DAO resection for right facial synkinesis due to Bell's palsy
DAO resection for right facial synkinesis due to Lyme disease
Botox and upper blepharoplasty for left facial synkinesis due to bell's palsy
Selective denervation, DAO resection, and fascia lata for nasal valve repair for right facial synkinesis due to Ramsay Hunt syndrome
Selective denervation and asymmetric facelift for left facial synkinesis due to Ramsay Hunt syndrome
Upper blepharoplasty for right facial synkinesis due to Ramsay Hunt syndrome