Patients with flaccid facial paralysis may have facial asymmetry at rest and complain of facial drooping. The goal of static facial suspension is to improve facial symmetry at rest by providing extra “support” to the affected side of the face. Some patients report that this also helps improve functional issues such as drooling and oral incompetence.
This procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Typically, fascia is borrowed from the outer thigh and fashioned until several “strips” that are used to provide support to the drooping side of the face. This has no functional sequelae and patients are able to maintain their baseline level of activity. The face is then accessed using a cosmetic facelift-type incision, and the strips of fascia are inset to provide support to the nasolabial fold, philtrum, nose, and the corner of the mouth.
There is also the possibility of using permanent suture to provide support to the face. This method is generally quicker and does not require borrowing fascia from the leg. Dr. Yver may discuss these various options with you in greater detail.
What to expect during static suspension surgery?
This procedure is performed under general anesthesia in the operating room. On the day of surgery, you will have a chance to meet with Dr. Yver to ask any questions and sign the necessary paperwork. The surgery typically lasts 4 - 5 hours. Most patients spend one night in the hospital and then go home the following day. It is common for patients to be discharged with a small surgical drain in the thigh that may be removed 3-5 days later in clinic. You will need somebody to drive you to and from the hospital.
What can I expect after surgery?
After surgery, you will be asked to keep your face and leg wrapped for 72 hours. After 72 hours, these dressing may be removed and you can shower as normal. It is common for patients to be discharged with a small surgical drain in the thigh that may be removed 3-5 days later in clinic; you will be provided with instructions on how to care for this before leaving the hospital. You will be provided with antibiotic ointment to apply to the sutures. Some facial swelling or minor bruising may be observed for two weeks after surgery. Patients are encouraged to apply ice for 48 hours after the procedure and to sleep with the head propped up on several pillows, in order to minimize swelling. The stitches may take 10-14 days to fully dissolve. Patients are encouraged to avoid any exercise, heavy lifting, or strenuous physical activity for two weeks after surgery, or until they are cleared at their post-operative visit.
When will I see results?
Results may be evident immediately after surgery or once the swelling subsides.