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Students, Residents & Fellows

Medical Students

Fourth year medical students participating on the Combined Otolaryngology elective (OTO5425) may elect to spend one week of their 4-week rotation at the Voice Center. For additional information on elective rotations for medical students continue here.

Speech-Language Pathology Students

Students in the University of Pittsburgh MA/MS-SLP program may complete clinical placements at the UPMC Voice, Airway, & Swallow Center. These placements are assigned by the Director of Clinical Education.


Each PGY-4 resident rotates at the Voice Center for a 10-week block.  During this time, the resident learns detailed laryngeal physiology and anatomy as well as the principles guiding medical and surgical treatment of patients with voice disorders.  Specific goals and objectives for this rotation (including laryngoscopic assessment skills and microsurgical techniques) may be found in the Resident Manual.

Clinical Fellowship in Speech-Language Pathology

A Clinical Fellowship in Speech-Language Pathology focusing on the care of voice and upper airway disorders is offered on an annual basis. This is a 12-month position.

Laryngology Fellowship

The University of Pittsburgh Voice Center strives to provide the most comprehensive Laryngology fellowship available to otolaryngologists in this country.