What is an upper blepharoplasty?
An upper blepharoplasty, also known as an “eyelid lift,” is a minor procedure intended to remove excess skin and contour the upper eyelid. This may be done for functional or purely aesthetic reasons, and can be performed in the operating room or in the clinic.
Redundant upper eyelid skin, or heavy eyelids, can result from genetics or the normal aging process. Patients with synkinesis may have difficulty compensating for redundant upper eyelid skin due hypertonicity of the muscle around the eye, the oribulcaris oculi, and a concurrent inability to properly activate the frontalis muscle, which normally helps to compensate by lifting the eyelids out of the field of vision. An upper blepharoplasty can help to address the resulting visual field defect, and also has the added aesthetic benefit of “lifting” the upper eyelids.
Is upper blepharoplasty covered by insurance?
In many cases an upper blepharoplasty is covered by insurance if it is deemed to be of functional benefit. Standardized photographs will be taken at your initial consultation. Most insurance companies require visual field testing, which our office will help to coordinate. The visual field test is performed to assess the visual fields at rest, and after taping the redundant eyelid skin up, to mimic the effects of surgery. Most insurance companies require at least a 30% improvement in the visual fields with taping in order to approve this procedure. Our office will notify you of your results, and if you are a candidate we will submit the information to your insurance company for approval.
If a patient does not qualify for upper blepharoplasty based on visual field testing, or is interested in the procedure for purely cosmetic reasons, he or she may be quoted with an out-of-pocket fee to cover the facility charge. Our office will be happy to provide you with that information.
What can I expect at my appointment?
This procedure is most often performed in the procedure clinic under local anesthesia, although there is also an option to have it performed under general anesthesia.
On the day of your appointment, you will have a chance to meet with a team member to ask any questions and sign the necessary paperwork. You will be positioned comfortably, and the eyelids will be carefully marked out and numbed with a small lidocaine injection. The redundant upper eyelid skin is removed and a small amount of fat may also be removed to achieve an optimal contour and a refreshed look to the eyes. Several dissolving stitches are then placed to promote optimal healing. Botox can be administered on the same day, if indicated. The entire appointment typically takes less than 90 minutes. You should plan to have someone available to drive you home after your procedure.
What can I expect after the procedure?
Although there is very little discomfort associated with the procedure, it is normal to have a significant amount of swelling and bruising of the eyelids after the procedure. Patients are encouraged to apply ice for 48 hours after the procedure and to sleep with the head propped up on several pillows, in order to minimize swelling. The stitches may take 10-14 days to fully dissolve. We will send you home with antibiotic ointment to apply to the stitches for a week after surgery.